“Crew Chief” By Linda Santangelo-Mosley

June 2024

I hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day Weekend with friends and family.

This Memorial Day Weekend, the South Jersey Region held a successful and fun racing event at NJMSP in Millville, NJ. It was round 2 of the following: MAARS Series, US Touring Car Championship, Sprint Bracket Road Racing and the NEDIV Road Racing Series. The event was well attended with over 120 drivers registered and participating. Chris and I worked the event for the NEDIV Road Racing Series (Chris is the Chairperson) spending time with our racing friends and workers and handing out the driver awards on Sunday.

“The Men In Black”

The well known and loved NJ Tech Team – is creating a documentary/history of the MIB. Chris and I were interviewed at different times during the weekend to share our experiences working with the MIB during the past years for the documentary. It is a pleasure working with and growing our friendships with them. I encourage everyone who knows and/or has worked with the MIB to contact them and share your MIB experiences in their documentary.

Stories, Past and Present, from our Northern NJ Region – a new monthly feature.

This month will be the first of monthly stories I will be sharing from our past Pole Position magazines and the original print magazines, The Tonneau. The first story comes from The Tonneau issues dated August 1963 written by Eleanore Noble on July 2, 1963 about having become a flagger. In her own words – “As a spectator I have observed with some curiosity the groups stationed at various points around the racing course. There they were in baggy white coveralls, broiling in the sun, holding flags, running to help a driver in trouble, and amazingly enough, seeming to enjoy their work. Leaving the spectator role and becoming a participant is something I would highly recommend…. It’s quite a job and, if possible, one not to be missed. Recounting incidents at flagging stations during a week-end of racing makes for good laughs, debates, constructive criticisms, not so constructive criticisms, and proud recollections all winter long.”

Please consider becoming a volunteer at events in our region and others throughout the Northeast Division.

Feel free to reach out to me with any ideas or suggestions at re@scca-nnjr.com.
I’d love to hear from you!

May 2024

As we move into May, we are enjoying warmer weather and looking forward to activities in our NNJR Region and in the Northeast Division.

This past weekend, Peter Schneider, Rally Chair, hosted another successful Road Rally. Perry Aidelbaum and Mark Labbancz have been busy hosting successful Solo Events at the Meadowlands MetLife Stadium.

In 2 weeks, the NEDiv Road Racing Series, chaired by Chris Mosley, will kick off its series at the Palmer Motorsports Park in MA. Chris and I will be working the weekend, promoting the series and handing out awards for the winners of Sunday’s races.

We would like to congratulate Chris Mosley as he celebrates 50 years of racing with Championships in National and Regional Road Racing at numerous tracks throughout the eastern United States.

The NNJR Board is working on a brief survey to send to our members for feedback on events for 2024 and 2025. One suggestion is to change the February Region Party to a Holiday Party in November when the season ends – a tradition our region supported for many years. Be on the lookout for the survey as we would love to hear from our members with your ideas on how to grow our region and spend more time with our NNJR family.

Feel free to reach out to me with any ideas or suggestions at re@scca-nnjr.com. I’d love to hear from you!

April 2024

On March 1, 2024 I was pleased and honored to step in to the position of NNJR RE. Peter Schneider made a decision to step down as RE and continue with his many other responsibilities as Area 1 Director, Rally Chair and Editor of the NNJR newsletter. On behalf of the NNJR Board and our members, I would like to express our appreciation for Peter’s contributions and hard work during his terms as RE. We wish him continued success and thank him for his friendship.

For members who I have not had the pleasure to know in our NNJR Region, let me introduce myself. I have been a Trustee on the NNJR Board for more than 15 years and I’m a 27 year member of the SCCA. I have planned all the social events for the NNJR Region and I have Co-Chaired the NorthEast Division’s Convention in Scranton, PA for the last three years. This past year I joined the SCCA Foundation as a member of the Web and Communication Committee as the Foundation launches The Legacy Project. For the past 11 years I have assisted Chris Mosley in the NEDiv Road Racing Series traveling throughout the northeast. I’m excited to carry on the RE tradition and look forward to sharing updates with you every month in my column

“Crew Chief Linda.” Linda Santangelo-Mosley (click HERE)