

(revised: September 12, 2012)

Article I:  Definitions

Section 1.  Region shall mean the Northern New Jersey Region of the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated (SCCA, Inc.) and its members.

Section 2.  Meetings of the Region shall mean meetings of the members in good standing of the Region.

Section 3.  The territorial boundaries of the Region shall be all that area lying within the thirteen northern most counties of the State of New Jersey, including Mercer and Monmouth counties, or as may be determined by the Directors of the SCCA, Inc.


Article II:  Membership

Any person desiring membership in the Region and in the SCCA, Inc., shall contact the membership Chairperson or Assistant Chairperson to receive an application form.  The application form shall be completed and signed by the applicant.  The completed application and a check made payable to the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated, in the amount equal to the annual Regional and National dues shall be returned to SCCA, Inc.  On receipt of the membership card from the National Office, the person shall be considered a member in good standing of the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated and the Region.  Membership categories shall be those of the SCCA, Inc..


Article III:  Good Standing and Termination of Membership

Section 1.  Good Standing.  A member in good standing is one who is a member in good standing of the SCCA, Inc., and who has performed the obligations of membership in the Region as set forth in these By-Laws, and the rules, resolutions, and regulations of the Region.

Section 2.  Resignation.   Any member of the Region may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Regional Executive or to the Secretary of the Region.

Section 3.  Suspension or Expulsion.  Any member may be suspended or expelled at any time for cause by the Board of Trustees.  Such member may appeal such decision of the Board of Trustees at a meeting of the Region, a quorum being present.  The Regional Executive shall inform the SCCA, Inc. of any suspended or expelled member, stating the cause in detail.  Any person expelled from the Region shall not be readmitted as a member in the Region unless approved by a majority of the members in good standing present at any meeting of the Region, a quorum being present.

          Membership in the Region and the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated shall be suspended automatically if all dues are not paid within sixty (60) days after notice of such dues has been mailed.  Such members shall be reinstated automatically on recognition of payment of such dues by the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated.

Section 4.  Suspension or Expulsion from the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated.   Suspension or Expulsion of any member of the Region from the SCCA, Inc., shall result in suspension or expulsion from the Region.

Section 5.  Termination Obligations.  Any property of the Region must be returned to the Secretary of the Region by any member whose membership has terminated for any reason.


Article IV:  Meetings of the Region

Section 1.  Annual Meetings.  The Annual Meeting of the Region shall be held in November for the election of Trustees and for reports by the Secretary and Treasurer.  Other business may be transacted as approved by the Board of Trustees.  In the case of conflict beyond the control of NNJR, the Annual Meeting may be scheduled as determined by the Board of Trustees.

Section 2.  General Meetings.  General meetings shall be called at intervals as determined by the Trustees.

Section 3.  Notice of Meetings.  Notice of all meetings of the Region shall be given to each member by one or more of the following methods: (a) publication in the Region’s newsletter; (b) in a separate mailing; (c) by electronic mail to the membership; or (d) by publication on the Region’s website.   Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be made no less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting.

Section 4.  Quorum.  At each meeting of the Region, twenty-five (25) members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 5.  Voting.  At each meeting of the Region where a vote is required, each member of the Region shall be entitled to one vote.  All matters shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast, a quorum being present.

Section 6.  Member of the Region.  For the purposes of this Article and Article VI, Section 1, a Member of the Region shall be a member in good standing for at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of any required vote and shall have attained the age of sixteen (16) years on the date of the required vote.


Article V:  Board of Trustees

Section 1.  General Powers and Qualifications.  The property, affairs, and business of the Region shall be conducted and managed by the Board of Trustees.  Each Trustee must be a member in good standing of the Region.

Section 2.  Number, Qualification and Term of Office of the Trustees.  There shall be eight (8) Trustees, comprised of the Regional Executive, the Assistant Regional Executive, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and four (4) Trustees-at-Large.  The Trustees shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of  Article VI, Section 1 of these By-Laws and each Trustee shall hold office for a term of two (2) years except as provided in Article VI, Section 1 of these By-Laws.

Section 3.  Meetings.  Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held as the Board deems necessary or by request of a Trustee.  The Secretary shall notify each Trustee of the time and place of the meeting.  A Meeting of the Board of Trustees must be conducted by the Regional Executive or the Assistant Regional Executive.

Section 4.  Quorum.  A majority of the Board of Trustees shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings.


Article VI.  Trustees

Section 1.  Qualifications, Terms of Office, and Elections.

                (a)  A candidate must have been a member of SCCA, Inc. for at least two (2) years.  A candidate may run for only one office at any one election.  Candidates may be bracketed in slates if they so desire.  All candidates shall have equal access to the means and equipment available to the Region for campaigning but no funds or supplies of the Region shall be used for campaigning.

                (b) At the Annual Meeting in odd years, the Regional Executive, Secretary, and two (2) Trustees-at-Large shall be elected.  At the Annual Meeting in even years the Assistant Regional Executive, Treasurer, and two (2) Trustees-at Large shall be elected.  A Trustee elected begins his/her term of service on January 1 of the following year for a term of two (2) calendar years.  A member shall hold only one elective office at a time.

                 (c) The Trustees shall appoint a nominating committee by August 1 of each year.  The committee shall consist of five (5) members, the Chairperson of which shall be the most recently retired Regional Executive of the Region who is willing to serve (but who is not then a Trustee of the Region), two (2) members who are incumbent Trustees of the Region, and two (2) members of the Region who do not then hold any elective Regional office.  The nominating committee shall recommend a full slate of officers and Trustees-at-Large who are to be elected that year and shall submit its report to the Secretary not later than October 1 of the year in which the election is to be held.  The report of the nominating committee shall be published (a) in the Region’s newsletter; (b) in a separate mailing; (c) by electronic mail to the membership; or (d) by publication on the Region’s website.  If the slate of Trustees submitted by the nominating committee is unopposed, the Secretary shall give notice of the unopposed slate of Trustees with the notice of the Annual Meeting.  At the Annual Meeting the Secretary shall cast one vote to elect the slate as submitted.

                (d)  Nomination by petition shall be as follows:  Any five (5) members of the Region may nominate a candidate for any office.  Such nomination must be in writing, signed by the nominators and by the nominee and be delivered to the Secretary on or before October 10 of the year in which the election is to be held.  The ballot shall be delivered with the notice of the Annual Meeting to all members of the Region.  Each Member of the Region shall be entitled to cast one vote for each office.  Only ballots that shall have been returned, properly marked, to the Secretary (or the Treasurer if the office of Secretary is a contested office) prior to the time when the Annual Meeting is called to order shall be counted.  Each Trustee shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast.

Section 2.  Resignation.  Any Trustee of the Region may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Regional Executive or to the Secretary of the Region.  The resignation of any Trustee shall take effect at the time specified.

Section 3.  Removal.  Any Trustee may be removed at any time for cause by the unanimous vote of the other Trustees at a special meeting called for that purpose, a quorum being present.  The reason for action will be available to a member on request.

Section 4.  Vacancies.  A vacancy in any office, except Regional Executive, may be filled by the Board of Trustees.  If the vacancy is the Regional Executive, the Assistant Regional Executive shall assume the role and responsibilities of the Regional Executive.  If a quorum of the Board of Trustees cannot be established, then such vacancy shall be filled by a majority of the votes cast by the members of the Region, at a meeting called for that purpose, a quorum being present.  Trustees so selected shall fulfill the term of the office of their predecessor.

Section 5.  Duties of the Trustees.  All Trustees shall perform according to these By-Laws or as directed by the Board of Trustees or the Regional Executive.

Section 6.  The Regional Executive.  The Regional Executive shall be the chief executive Officer of the Region, and shall have direct charge of the business of the Region, subject to the general control of the Board of Trustees.  When present, he/she shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees and the Region.

Section 7.  The Assistant Regional Executive.  In the absence or disability of the Regional Executive, the Assistant Regional Executive shall act as the Regional Executive.  Except where the signature of the Regional Executive is required by law, the Assistant Regional Executive shall possess the same power as the Regional Executive to sign all certificates, contracts, obligations and other instruments of the Region.

Section 8.  The Secretary.  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the proceedings of the meetings of the Region and the Board of Trustees and shall conduct the correspondence of the Region as directed by the Regional Executive.

Section 9.  The Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall present a report showing the Region’s financial transactions and condition at the Annual Meeting; shall keep and disburse the moneys of the Region as directed by the Board of Trustees; shall keep correct books of account; and shall report the Region’s financial transactions and conditions to the Board of Trustees at their meetings or when requested by the Board of Trustees.


Article VII:  Appointed Officers

Section 1.  The Club Racing Committee Chairperson.  The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Club Racing Committee Chairperson who shall act as the Region’s representative to the National Club Racing Board of the Sports Car Club of America, Incorporated; shall issue all Novice Permits; and shall be liaison to the SCCA, Inc. with respect to competition licenses and shall serve as the chairperson of the Club Racing Committee.

Section 2.  The Solo Committee Chairperson.  The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Solo Committee Chairperson who shall plan and administer the Region’s Solo program, schedule and events, provide a liaison to the Board of Trustees on Solo matters and shall serve as the chairperson of the Solo Committee.

Section 3.  The Rally Committee Chairperson.  The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Rally Committee Chairperson who shall plan and administer the Region’s Rally program, schedule and events, provide a liaison to the Board of Trustees on Rally matters and shall serve as the chairperson of the Rally Committee.

Section 4.  The Social Chairperson.  The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Social Chairperson, who shall plan and administer the Region’s social events of all sorts, subject to the direction of the Board of Trustees and the Regional Executive.  The Social Chairperson shall serve as the chairperson of the Social Committee.

Section 5.  Membership Services Committee Chairperson.  The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Membership Services Committee Chairperson, who shall coordinate membership services consisting of the Membership Chairperson, the Web-Master and the Pole Position Editor, who shall also be appointed by the Board of Trustees.  The Membership Chairperson shall coordinate prospective and new members with the Region and the National Office and shall maintain the roster of the Region, the Web-Master shall maintain the website of the Region and the Pole Position Editor shall produce the periodic newsletter.  Each chairperson may be assisted by an Assistant Chairperson, also appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Section 6.  Chiefs of Specialties.  Each year the Board of Trustees shall appoint such Chiefs of Specialty as are necessary to hold competition events as specified in the General Competition Rules (GCR) of the Sports Car club of America, Incorporated.

Section 7.  Other Officers.  Each year the Board of Trustees may appoint such other officers as it deems necessary.


Article VIII:  Committees

Section 1.  Club Racing Committee.  The Club Racing Committee shall be made up of the Chiefs of Specialty and shall be chaired by the Club Racing Committee Chairperson.

Section 2.  Other committees.  The Board of Trustees or Regional Executive may appoint such other committees as it or he/she may deem necessary.


Article IX:  Dues

The annual dues for membership in the Region shall be determined by the Board of Trustees.


Article X:  Amendments

Section 1.   These By-Laws may be altered, amended, or repealed, or new By-Laws may be made, at any meeting of the Region, by majority vote of the members in good standing present, a quorum being present; provided that the proposed action in respect thereof shall be stated in the notice of such meeting.

Section 2.  No amendment shall be valid that is in conflict with the By-Laws of the SCCA, Inc..