USMC Toys for Tots
Click Here for a story about the event and results!
Looking for a way to get involved in a local family friendly motorsport activity, here is your chance. Sign-up for a simple easy to follow tour/car rallye of northwestern New Jersey. The Northern New Jersey Region of the Sports Car Club of America and the Motorsport Club of North Jersey (MCNJ) are hosting the 34th Annual USMC Toys for Tots ‘Teddy Bear Rallye’. This is a 50 mile ‘fun’ road rallye to support USMC Toys for Tots. The entry fee is a $35 stuffed animal/teddy bear which will be donated to Toys for Tots. The event will start at Subaru World of Hackettstown on Route 46 in Budd Lake. Registration is at 10:30. Details and online sign-up can be found at